To prepare the children to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist (Holy Communion) and Confirmation. To foster a partnership with parents in their children's journey of faith. To assist everyone who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith.
Understand the vision, mission, and goal of the program.
Support the program by actively participating in the Church activities which are part of the REP's curriculum.
Work closely with the Catechist by ensuring that your child is dropped off before the class starts and picked up promptly upon dismissal.
Volunteer so you may see firsthand how and what your child is learning. This is highly encouraged.
Pray with your child and make your home a nurturing environment for faith to grow (a family that prays together, stays together and grows in faith together).
Our Parish Religious Education Program Registration will be done online. All REP classes for school year 2021-2022 will be in person and done in the classroom. To become a member of the parish, you may come to the Parish office or approach the registration booth after each mass.